If you’ve got any taste at all, probably not. What our regular followers might like rather more, however, is this; Yes, the rumours you’ve heard are true. Although they might equally be false, as I’ve got no idea what rumours
..Although on balance, we’d rather she didn’t. The old jokes are so rarely the best.. It’s been quite busy down at Steamworks over the last few weeks, perhaps encouraged by the far more clement weather we’d been having, although that
Good grief, it’s May. I’ve become convinced that someone somewhere, for nefarious reasons best known to themselves, is stealing weeks’ worth of time from us, although general opinion seems to disagree with me. It’s been quite a busy time for
Well, we were thick with snow last time I updated this blog, and now it’s looking quite a bit like spring- I don’t know where the time goes. Of course, there’s not been much going on down at Blyth Road,
I doubt anyone could have failed to notice that it snowed last week. And proper snow too, not just the flimsy stuff that melts after a day or so, but a good thick carpet that hangs around for ages. Steamworks,
It’s February already, and as far as Steamworks is concerned, there’s not a great deal going on, apart from quite a lot of cold, wet weather, which is at least doing a lot of good as far as the pond
Well, it’s 2021 and the start of another year, although it would be a bit of a challenge to tell the difference between this year and the previous one. Nonetheless, allow me to wish the readers of the blog a
Well, the volunteers have returned to a fairly damp and occasionally frosty Steamworks- 4mm of ice on the ponds earlier this week- and work has resumed on track laying, guttering and tree planting, of which more anon. Our own progress
Well, it’s been another lockdown- fast becoming the no. 1 past time for the Great British Public- and so understandably work at Blyth Road has more or less ground to a halt again. Mind you, the general trend down there
Somehow it’s ended up being October, and I’m not entirely sure how that happened. I still hadn’t got used to the concept of August, and logic would seem to suggest that was some time ago. Mind you, the onset of