The Wenhaston team (odd to think that until October 2013 the Trust didn’t have such a thing!) spent Wednesday 21st August continuing with the trackbed walk clearance. Several large recumbent trees, blown down many moons ago, and – in some
Bernie and James and panelling challenge
A study in panelling and scattered tools Until now, we have been planning to complete the Coach 7 body by doing the panelling in the ends last. Or, perhaps, we’ve been putting it off? Anyway, our feeling that it was
Good Progress on the Trackbed Members’ Walk
The Trust has just completed a very busy weekend – with attendance at the Waveney Valley Model Railway Club’s 26th Southwold Model Railway Exhibition, and the small matter of an AGM – all in the same two days. Our friends
Land access improvement at Wenhaston – and the planning saga goes on…and on…and on
Land access The Wenhaston team have been waiting – quite impatiently – for the birds’ nesting season to end, as many of the activities onsite were (quite rightly) constrained by the restrictions. A few days after the season ended, therefore,
Good Progress on the Trackbed Members’ Walk
The Trust’s Wenhaston Environmental Team have continued, despite a major increase in biting insects onsite (good for the birds, anyway!) to clear and make safe the trackbed path. Many decades-worth of soil and detritus have washed down from the field
A “Flying” Loco Chassis
Saturday’s team worked on three projects – Van 40, Coach 7 and locomotive “Blyth”. All the timber drilling and rebating on the van underframe was completed, and the last section of coach ceiling (Southwold end) rubbed down, filled, and primed.
Coach 7 body exterior, and much of interior, complete
The Trust’s intrepid Rolling Stock Group team, led by Bernie Ward, has completed the exterior of SR Coach 7 (the Belgian tram trailer). Restoring this coach has been a (more than) two year marathon. Although most of the main structure
No 7 and No 40 start to look like the real thing
Our Volunteers’ lives are made a little easier – by the Planning Dept.!
The Trust, in keeping with its policy of continuing to apply for various planning permissions at Wenhaston, recently made a small application for some very simple onsite facilities for the volunteers who are looking after, and improving, the site. Thanks