Having taken home the pre-bent (by James with a big hammer!) angle iron for the battery tray with me at the end of the last workshop session I spent an interesting evening at home getting back to grips with my
A large team of Trust volunteers – undaunted, alike, by the dubious decisions of some bureaucrats, and general unpleasantness and ignorance from the opposition (elements of which have recently taken to photographing – by “paparazzi” long lens – everything that
The Railway Trust’s third biannual Show on the Bank Holiday weekend was a great success. Admirably organised by Trustee and newsletter editor John Ridgway, it attracted a wide range of people, including, on Sunday, many very small children, who were
For the first time ever, members of the District Council, of the Parish Council, and our neighbours were united at today’s planning meeting in their support for the Southwold Railway Trust’s Charitable Aim – to restore the Southwold Railway. The
Having missed the first workshop session of the month due to being on a family holiday over Easter I was keen to get going this time to get my homework completed! The linkage between the control unit and the torque
On Saturday May 2nd (10.30 till 17.00) and Sunday May 3rd (10.30 till 16.00), the Southwold Railway Trust will be holding its third Southwold Show. The venue is St Edmund’s Hall, Cumberland Road, Southwold IP18 6JP. Parking in Southwold is
A large team of twelve enthusiastic volunteers split into two on Wednesday April 8th. Most (because of the good weather) went to Wenhaston, and carried on path clearance and SR fencing – while the rest continued with Motor Rail and
On Saturday May 2nd (10.30 till 17.00) and Sunday May 3rd (10.30 till 16.00), the Southwold Railway Trust will be holding its third Southwold Show. The venue is St Edmund’s Hall, Cumberland Road, Southwold IP18 6JP. Parking in Southwold is
My Journey to Southwold this time was slightly delayed by some domestic challenges so I missed the introductory hot drink. Folk had settled down to various tasks – John sorting the switch panel, and Ken working on the diesel engine
While your faithful blogster was off gallivanting in Scotland (of which more later), the RSG team, no doubt pleased not to have him breathing over their efforts all the time, succeeded in removing the Motor Rail main fuel tank (for