Another great Open Day at Steamworks. This is Jack, visiting with his owner, impersonating the dog from the old His Master’s Voice advertisements (I think it was called Nipper). That is Oliver’s wind-up gramophone, of course, which is now a regular feature of the BVLR station since the Gala weekend. It is currently playing “The London Blues” at 78 rpm mainly.  The material of the sound-horn is papier-mache, in case you were wondering – Oliver’s talents know no bounds! Rides are in progress and Mike Carter is the Guard far right at the back.

But Saturdays are still working days for the volunteers and here are Malcolm, Bob and John building a platform for the water tank on top of a storage shed for the locomotive coal and sundry items. Note the new steel roof and the ridge feature by the finial. Lucky Jack did not spot it!

The site is greening up nicely at the moment. Much of it weeds of course but I thought these poppies looked good.

And some water lilies are flowering. Must do something about the edges of the lake. We need help with landscaping. And lots more plants (and trees!)  Help would be very welcome. We are there every Wednesday and Saturday from 10 am. And Ted makes an excellent cup of tea.


John Bennett  17.6.19



Saturday, 15th June, 2019