Well, here we all are sitting in Southwold in a tram carriage all the way from Belgium via County Donegal! Expertly delivered by Frank Gillespie (2nd left) SRT members (clockwise from L) Maureen Ridgway, Jim Nicholson, Tim Heaps, Mark Evershed, John Bennett and Stewart Green pose inside ‘Our’ carriage, with member John Ridgway behind the lens to record the event.
After a thorough status report, restoration work has already begun with the removal of some seating. This will enable structural repairs to be made once Spring has arrived. The tram now has a protective covering to fend off the worst of the weather, but will be on view after the New Year Track Walk from 2-4pm. The loco frames and wheels will be on display too! See separate blog for details of the New Year Track Walk.