Things happen at such a pace these days here is a midweek update for our Blog followers. The copper Dome from SCALDWELL is responding to treatment, with most of the accumulated grime now cut back and a start made on the polishing. Trust member and ex-Trustee Rev Simon Pitcher has even asked if he may borrow the finished product for use as a temporary font at a family baptism next September. Fame indeed!

Trust member and volunteer Dave North (seen above ‘headless’ with Chairman, James Hewett) arrived with a gift of a ride-upon motor mower donated by a mate and improved by himself for use at Wenhaston. This looks in excellent condition and both Dave and Toby put it through its paces at Blyth Road. Heartfelt thanks for this extremely useful piece of kit, Dave.
With the team spending most of the time at Blyth Road these days, keeping the lush growth in check at Wenhaston is down to just the occasional visit by volunteers with strimmers, so this more substantial item of hardware will help considerably.

The edges of our access road are now practically herbaceous borders in their own right. Sorrel, hedge parsley, meadowsweet, willowherb and purple loosestrife abound and practically hide the willow saplings planted by Holton Primary school members in the spring. With permanent planning permission having been granted for our grounded van body and toilet, the site is looking pretty well established these days.