A very misty and moist Wednesday on October 15th did not deter seven members of the Environmental team from progressing at Wenhaston on all fronts. At the station site, Toby and Sean planted more willow along the boundary, and marked
Lifting 300 pound rails – in the rain!
On a very wet Monday October 13th, the gang – a combined one from the Wenhaston Environmental Volunteers and the Rolling Stock Group – worked manfully to sort and store the two tons of assorted rail that we bought from
The team strims and clears, but is totally defeated by a 6×3 fence post
Six regular volunteers – who like to think of themselves as the “core team” – spent another happy and productive day at Wenhaston on Wednesday. Jobs that have had to be put off, because of the birds’ nesting season, can
Undaunted by criticism, the team perseveres at Wenhaston – and the first SR Sponsored Walk is announced
The Wenhaston team (odd to think that until October 2013 the Trust didn’t have such a thing!) spent Wednesday 21st August continuing with the trackbed walk clearance. Several large recumbent trees, blown down many moons ago, and – in some
Land access improvement at Wenhaston – and the planning saga goes on…and on…and on
Land access The Wenhaston team have been waiting – quite impatiently – for the birds’ nesting season to end, as many of the activities onsite were (quite rightly) constrained by the restrictions. A few days after the season ended, therefore,
Good Progress on the Trackbed Members’ Walk
The Trust’s Wenhaston Environmental Team have continued, despite a major increase in biting insects onsite (good for the birds, anyway!) to clear and make safe the trackbed path. Many decades-worth of soil and detritus have washed down from the field
Our Volunteers’ lives are made a little easier – by the Planning Dept.!
The Trust, in keeping with its policy of continuing to apply for various planning permissions at Wenhaston, recently made a small application for some very simple onsite facilities for the volunteers who are looking after, and improving, the site. Thanks