The latest picture of the “Blyth” locomotive boiler with ready for its 58 tubes in the Darlington workshop of North Bay Railway Engineering Services. I confess I find it rather emotional watching this machine come back to life. Many thanks
13th March, 2019
1st February, 2019
“Blyth” components – boiler end and firebox
Two Wagons, a Locomotive, a Coach, an Appeal, and a new Application.
Heritage Train: Wagon 41 Moves On
No 3 “Blyth” pre Project re-launch preparatory work
At 08.00 on Thursday December 11th (and a cold, damp, dark morning it was), one of the Trust’s contractors – CAD Bureau Southern Ltd. from Essex – came to the workshop to measure our steam locomotive frames, buffer beams, stretchers,
A “Flying” Loco Chassis
Saturday’s team worked on three projects – Van 40, Coach 7 and locomotive “Blyth”. All the timber drilling and rebating on the van underframe was completed, and the last section of coach ceiling (Southwold end) rubbed down, filled, and primed.