As part of their Science Week events, the Southwold Arts Centre are hosting a talk on the Southwold Railway by John Ridgway on Tuesday 29th October commencing 7:30pm. At the time of writing there are still plenty of tickets available.
No, I’m still not updating here enough. Mind you, there’s been a lot of work going on, so I’ll claim that in my defence, but passers-by at Steamworks are beginning to ask about updates (through the fence, obviously, due to
A working Southwold Railway pocket watch just acquired. It is inscribed on the back “J.SMYTHE SOUTHWOLD RY”. That name does not appear in the list of station masters in the new book by Rob Shortland-Ball so I wonder if anyone
My picture is 98 year old Mrs Mary Middlebrook in a beach hut at Southwold last week. Mary travelled on the Southwold Railway in the 1920s when her family used to come on holiday, nearly every year, to Southwold, travelling
oday, on Friday May 13th (luckily, we are not triskaidekaphobic, having quite enough bad luck to cope with from public bodies on every day), the Southwold Railway Trust re-launches the Wenhaston Archive website with original provider Blythweb, and will host
The team suffered a ridiculously-wet Wednesday at the Folly loco shed site, but still managed to get some more work done. Both the heavy concrete bases which used to support the pump platform timbers (and had been rescued from within
On Saturday August 22nd, and Sunday 23rd, Trust volunteers spent some more time at Halesworth Bird’s Folly (courtesy of the Millennium Green Trustees), enjoying a third day of work on the locomotive shed area. After digging out the inspection and
Thanks to an invitation from the Halesworth Millennium Green Trustees, the Wenhaston volunteers took a day off to tackle another trackbed section – and a very interesting one it turned out to be. Among the SR artefacts on the Green
By the end of the second May Bank Holiday weekend, the Trust’s rolling stock was visibly moving on. Coach 7’s body is complete outside (except for some more work on some of the doors), and is resplendent in maroon, cream
A more than usually hard job – two and a half hours of ivy hacking – to unearth a donated 3 yard length of original Southwold Railway rail, which used to hold up a Wenhaston resident’s washing line. John Ridgway