Today, after the now-obligatory coffee at the Community Café (in which we were almost the only customers), we made the usual split into workshop and trackbed. The former team completed the locomotive carrying device for the Blyth Valley Light Railway,
First SRT Pop-Up Shop a Great Success
Lots of civil engineering activity, and volunteer training – Heritage Train progress
Unfazed by any temporary setbacks, the Trust fields one of its largest volunteer teams.
Our first “public-train-appropriate” rail, progress on the Heritage Train, a new 7¼” venture
Volunteers on a Roll, Chairman on a Jolly
Two Wagons, a Locomotive, a Coach, an Appeal, and a new Application.
Progress with trackbed, Open Wagon 41, and the Motor Rail
Looking Forward to 2016, and Launching a New Project
The Southwold Railway Trust can look backward to 2015 as a good, but hard, year of consolidation. Our volunteers spent almost six months on two efforts – firstly, works to enable the boundaries and access on the Wenhaston land, including