The Trust’s weary team doggedly continued, in quite wet conditions, at Wenhaston with the vegetation clearance work, on Wednesday and Saturday October 7th and 10th. John B led a particularly successful team of bonfire burners (who caught up with the cutters, despite the wet), while the rest of the team ploughed through the undergrowth. I’d like to say that the end is in sight, but I have said it so many times before that the team is fed up with hearing it, so I won’t. It is, though. It’s getting to the stage that the volunteers are looking longingly at the fencing material as a rest from tree work – not something you often see!
Meanwhile, Sean waited at our gate to receive the first load of reject stone for the new access road. We are trying this out in the wettest parts, to ensure that, while we aim to have all-weather access to the trackbed, we are also not adversely affecting the flow of water across the land. The stone, basically large flint pebbles delivered by a local firm, seems so far to do the job: what we need now is some torrential rain (after we have finished the clearance would be ideal!) to test it out. During that same Wednesday, Gabby, one of our regular shop volunteers, took £519.85 – probably the best October day ever.
All in all, the volunteers of the SRT are to be congratulated. While on that topic – today is the first day when prospective Trustees can be nominated by Members to serve on the Trust Board. The nine Trustees run the charity on behalf of, and with the advice of, the Membership, and any Member can become part of the management, if proposed, and if elected by a democratic vote. Naturally, you need to be a fully-paid-up Member of SRT to be involved – but that is easily solved – you can join us for only £15 pa, on this website, or at our shop in Southwold. Restoring the SR is a magnificent (but also challenging) project: join now, and you can be part of it.