A sign of spring at Steamworks! Toby hard at work on the upgrading often BVLR track. Some groundwater drainage was installed last Wednesday so hopefully this will deal with the flooding there. Well, it was the wettest February on record.
This first class carriage is not living up to its name yet – but watch this space. But great things are happening in the guard/third class compartment thanks to Toby and Peter. The whole carriage is fully glazed now and
Latest photograph from the Darlington workshop of North Bay Engineering showing wheels attached to the frames on Blyth now Good to see some paint going on. John Bennett 7.3.20
A busy day for the volunteers at Steamworks this Saturday. Pippa planting a dogwood at the back of the site. Thanks to those who have donated trees. We cannot have too many! Rabbit proof chicken wire is an essential down
Our builders have completed their contract for the Engine Shed Phase 2 – before Easter as promised. We will fit the main doors and the vent above. That is going to be the new metal-working shop on the photo below.
A real milestone weekend for the Trust. With a little help from our friends – two dozen army reservists from STRE 507 – a lot (70m) of three foot gauge track, with two sets of points, has been installed over
Here we all are on the post Christmas Track Walk on the 28th December. Traditionally we pause at the “cattle creep” just before Walberswick Station for a group photo, which we did, and then, for a change, one at Walberswick