As Peter Cook and Dudley Moore used to sing at the end of their shows “Now is the time to say goodbye!” and post my final Blog contribution. I have enjoyed keeping everyone up-to-date with the activities of the Southwold Railway Trust’s volunteer activities at their various sites, but am now withdrawing from duties at Blyth Road for the foreseeable future. Therefore it would be inappropriate to continue blogging without being involved in the progress or being on hand to maintain a photographic diary of our efforts. Work continues onsite now that the bulk of the winter weather has passed, and the concrete floor in the workshop nears completion under Alan’s expert guidance. The CCTV cameras keep an eye on the site even when nobody is about. Ted has managed to make an appearance after his recent heart attacks – let’s hope he sticks to medical advice and doesn’t try to do too much while he’s still on ‘light duties’.
The extension to the engine shed is due to be built over the next few months by Duncan’s Builders. This will feature a cafe, shop and toilets (hurrah!) and provide a second storey for board meetings, storage &c. Between the visitor centre and the original SR trackbed along Blyth Road will be a short section of platform. Alongside this will be a length of 3 foot gauge track to house tram carriage No.7 and covered van No.40. The latter will house an archive display about the railway, I understand. As it is hoped that all this will be in operation by the school summer holidays this year, you may imagine that a lot of work will be going on until then, although Wednesday openings may well be affected by the construction work on the Visitor Centre. Brian Bailey will still be happy to welcome passers-by to the shop and site on Saturdays, so there will still be plenty of progress to see in the interim.
I hope you have enjoyed my little blogs from the workforce team and say ‘Au revoir’ for now…